Monday, February 02, 2009


Andy Wahol's SLEEP.

Andy Warhol's EMPIRE.

The security camera at the local Home Depot from 2-5 AM on Sunday.

These are just three of the films I would rather have watched than this polished turd fest. It's so sad the that Academy thinks that this is good movie-making. By the 2/3 mark, I realized I didn't give a flying crap about any of the characters in the movie. And it continued to get worse. The film is maudlin, self-conscious and bends over backwards to conform to the "big Hollywood epic" outline. It's an amazing difference from SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, where I truly cared whether the two leads would ever get together.

What happened to David Fincher? He's far from my favorite filmmaker (FIGHT CLUB is terribly overrated), but at least he's interesting, different, and edgy. This is typical Hollywood pablum.

Even the acting is bad. And I know most of these actors are much, much better than the material. The film is terribly written, with voice-over for the blind throughout the film. I can't recommend this film to anyone for any reason.

Although it did sound good, and the score was good, none of that matters when the script and characters suck ass.


ZiggyMustard said...

I did appreciate the guy who kept getting hit by lightning. It was the only light note in this sodden film.

f.w. said...

I wonder if they threw the movie a bone solely for the visual effects work - looking back it'd certainly be considered a landmark on the long crappy road out of the uncanny valley.